Tag Archives: tween

Games for Tweens and Teens

One of our biggest challenges here at Parents@Play is to find games that tweens and teens will not only be willing to play with their family, but that they’ll actually want to play (and that don’t involve cell phones or anything else with a screen). Here are four that we’re confident will soon be on your family’s list of game-night hits.

Disgusting Anatomy Brain (Scientific Explorer)

disgusting brainThis kit is part chemistry experiment, part anatomy lesson, part art project, and all disgusting. It starts innocuously enough in the kitchen, where you cook up some gooey gelatin and pour it into a mold to create a slimy, life-sized model of a human brain. While you’re waiting for it to set, read the booklet and find out the basics of brain anatomy and function. And since your eyes use 65% of the brain’s pathways (a fact we learned from the booklet), there’s also a mold for a monster-sized eyeball (which, along with the brain, you can paint as revoltingly as you’d like). A fun, engaging, educational project to do with your kids. For ages 9 and up. www.alexbrands.com

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