Tag Archives: classic

Somethings Old, Somethings New, Somethings in Between

We here at Parents@Play have been fortunate to review a LOT of games over the years. But we’re still constantly—and pleasantly—surprised at the constant flow of new products that make their way to store shelves—and living rooms—around the country and the rest of the world. This week we take a look at some completely new games, some new twists on classics, and some of those classics (without which those new twists wouldn’t have been possible).

Deer in the Headlights (Front Porch Classics)

deer in headlightsThis is a clever, new twist on the classic theme of “be the first to discard all of your cards.” Using a standard deck of playing cards, players take turn drawing and discarding. The custom dice, which are rolled at each turn, provide the game’s twists, allowing players to discard more cards or forcing them to hold, causing players to lose a turn, or letting them freeze their opponent—like a deer in the headlights—until he or she can roll back into the game. For two or more players, ages 8+. Under $19. http://www.areyougame.com

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